Eat (Food)

Let's face it, even though being vegan and eco-friendly encompasses your entire life, you're most interested in the food. But finding and making delicious healthy, compassionate and ethical meals can be challenging, especially if you're brand new to this way of living. Eco-Vegan Gal is here to help you navigate the water, sharing her favorite finds and best resources in the following sections.

Did you know that you can get organic, local produce delivered right to your doorstep? It's true! This is a convenient way to experience seasonal fruits and vegetables without going to the natural grocery store or growing them yourself. And bonus: you can support local farmers without having to go to the farmers market. You save time, effort and sometimes even money.

Smoothies are all the rage in the healthy living community and have been creeping their way into households everywhere. It seems that almost everyone has a blender these days, and many homes are equipped with high speed blenders from Vitamix or Blendtec. That's likely because smoothies are such a delicious and easy way to get fruits and vegetables into your diet, whether it be for breakfast, snack or dessert. If you're like me, you make the same couple combinations over and over again, which can get a little boring. Great news: my friend Tess Masters recently launched two amazing tools to solve this dilemma. Get re-inspired with The Blender Girl Smoothies book and mobile app, which provide 100 innovative and lip-smacking recipes to take your blending beverages to the next level.

Ever since I researched and wrote the "Heathy, Organic Vegan on a Budget" ebook I am always on the hunt for bargains on healthy food. It brings me so much joy to buy items on sale and discover new places to get deals. One day someone online mentioned a store that I had never heard of called Grocery Outlet. At the time I happened to be near a location so I convinced a friend to check it out with me. I wish I could remember who it was who recommended this market because I want to give them a hug. Thanks to their impressive selection of affordable organic, vegan food, Grocery Outlet has become one of my favorite stores.
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