Wednesday, 16 July 2014 16:28

Paleo Vegan…An Oxymoron Or Not?

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Book review written by EvG team member Courtney Rasbach:

Paleo and vegan together! Whoever heard of such a thing? Well, I certainly had not until Paleo Vegan by Ellen Jaffe Jones made its way into my home. Within the pages of her enlightening book, Ellen does a wonderful job at describing precisely what the terms Paleo and vegan mean, explaining the differences and similarities and showing that when combined they can make a strong, satisfying, health-beneficial diet for both the athlete and non-athlete alike.

The book begins with a rundown of how vegans and Paleos view food and how their diets work. Ellen explains this beautifully by giving an unbiased viewpoint on each side, allowing the reader to make an educated conclusion on how the philosophies can blend together.

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Paleo Vegan then goes on to describe each food group (fruits, nuts, veggies, fats) and how the two diets view and treat each category, showing the reader how they overlap and how one can adjust a Paleo diet to be plant-based. To complement this, Ellen put together a lovely chart that lists all the different food vegans and Paleos can share, most of which you and I enjoy every day. Ellen also tackles the, “where do you get your protein?” question amazingly as well.

My favorite part of the book is the recipe section. Ellen, along with writer Alan Roettinger, have created a vast selection of recipes that fit both the vegan and Paleo standards. I am not going to go into much detail here because…{drumroll}… I am going to create a meal plan based off the recipes and try them for a week, which will be followed by another review; how exciting!

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I highly recommend that you pick up a copy of Paleo Vegan and add it to your library. I enjoyed learning a new way to design my diet and I hope you do too. you... ~ Courtney


On the topic of paleo vegan, be sure to check out Whitney's appearance on Fox TV, in which she was put "head to head" to debate the vegan diet vs the paleo diet - you might be surprised about how it turned out! Whitney was very grateful to have Ellen's book as an informative reference before going on air.


Writer Courtney Rasbach lives in the Indianapolis area where she is a writer and vlogger for SouleJourney by night and a Veterinary Technician and works in Community Outreach talking to the public about animal welfare issues by day. Be sure to follow her on FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestYelpGoogle+ and stay tuned for more of her reviews on Eco-Vegan Gal.

Read 11475 times Last modified on Thursday, 24 July 2014 07:45