Displaying items by tag: cancer
Cancer Free Living
Cancer: a word that looms over society like a dark cloud. In America alone, over a million people are diagnosed each year and over 1,600 die for it each day (American Cancer Society). Images of bald heads, hospital gowns, and tears are commonly associated with cancer patients. Not a pretty picture. However, the good news is that there are many ways to naturally prevent and treat cancer, and I'd like to share an inspiring story with you about this.
Viewer of the Month: Cobi Kim
I can honestly say that Cobi Kim is one of the best people I know. Her passion, compassion and talent is outstanding and I learn from her on a daily basis. Cobi and I met through YouTube, which led us to recording a few videos together, establishing a great friendship and launching an online course about creating a rockstar YouTube channel. If you have yet to discover her vegan recipe videos (aka Veggietorials) your mind is about to be blown and your mouth on the verge of watering. With no further ado, let me turn it over to Cobi to tell you more about herself:
Aloha friends! I’m Cobi Kim, the woman behind Veggietorials, a vegan lifestyle channel with a focus on fabulous food, cruelty-free products and travel. I make snappy, short-form videos and hope to provide a comfortable entry point for people to learn, discover and explore how delicious and beautiful a compassionate lifestyle can be. I’m originally from Hawaii but currently reside in the Pacific Northwest with Winston the Pug.
Health journey: I was a vegetarian for many years but it was not until I worked as a Cooking Instructor for the Cancer Project that I fully realized the incredible healing power of eating a whole-foods, plant-based diet. That shift on my plate enabled me to see all the benefits of living a life devoid of animal products. My goal is to give people simple inspiration, veganize familiar dishes and make eating healthy accessible to all.
Cobi's favorite Eco-Vegan Gal video: "With a catalog of over 550 EvG videos, asking me to pick just one favorite is tough! Extreme Healthy Vegan Cheapskates is a video I’ve shared over and over when people say that eating vegan and healthy on a budget is impossible. I love that Whitney used such a fun approach to provide a fantastic resource for meal inspiration."
Follow Cobi's journey:
- Website: http://veggietorials.com
- YouTube: http://youtube.com/veggietorials
- Facebook: http://facebook.com/veggietorials
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/veggietorials
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/veggietorials
Viewer of the Month: Candace Ryan
Candace deserves recognition as being the most zen member of the Eco-Vegan Gal team - her passion for yoga, meditation and natural healing is incredibly inspiring. It is also an important part of her animal rights activism, as this inner peace is crucial to staying calm during her research and social media outreach. Here is Candace's story of what brought her to veganism and the important work she does for and with others:
My name is Candace and I live in Flagstaff, Arizona, but was raised in California. I was vegetarian for 12 years and have been vegan for almost 4. My motivation to become vegetarian then vegan was and is for animals. Of course, a nice benefit of being vegan is that it's a much healthier lifestyle, though it is easy to eat an unhealthy vegan diet. I traveled to Switzerland, France and Italy and managed to eat vegan there, I'm very proud of that; it would have been easy to give in, but being vegan runs very deep within me. I love to cook, one of my favorite challenges is to make a non-vegan recipe vegan.
I'm pretty intense about animal rights, if you're my Facebook friend you are constantly reminded of my passion with my posts. I know it can be a downer, but we can not look the other way.
When I'm not working at the clinic that I manage, I teach yoga, meditation and sound baths, as well as offer reiki to cancer patients at the cancer center. I'm currently working on starting a nonprofit called The Peaceful Revolution Project, where I work with the under empowered using meditation and yogic teachings. I also have a Facebook page for fun, where I post food adventures, etc.
Candace's favorite Eco-Vegan Gal article: "One of my favorite posts on the Eco-Vegan Gal is "Is Palm Oil Vegan?". It's is a reminder that the vegan movement is a work in progress and we can't become complacent. Its easy to think you have reached the highest point of your journey as a vegan, but it's no only about eating healthy its also about conscience living, and making sacrifices.."
Follow Candace's journey:
Resources on Juicing: 8 Recipe Books & Video Playlist
Want to incorporate more fruit and vegetable juice into your life but not sure about the ins and outs of the process? If you're looking for fresh juice recipes and more information on how these nutrient-dense beverages can make an impact on your health, here are some resources to guide you.
Eat to Thrive: Sprouted, Plant-Based Foods Can Prevent & Reverse Disease
One of the biggest reasons people decide to adapt a plant-based diet is to prevent or reverse disease. Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer are unfortunate wake-up calls to a toxic lifestyle. Fortunately there are endless cases of people healing entirely simply by changing the way they eat. Some of the most powerful stories are from celebrities, like Bill Clinton, Rosie O’Donnell and Suzanne Somers - their journeys have influenced many people to take a look at their own decisions and habits and make life-changing choices.