Packaged Food Reviews

In a perfect world we would all grow and make our own food because it'd be ultra healthy and eco-friendly. But since we don't always have the education, resources or time, so we reach out for convenient packaged food. Unfortunately many products are loaded with overly processed ingredients like salt, oil, sugar, additives and preservatives and are wrapped in unsustainable materials. Not to fear: Whitney is here to help you make wiser decisions by reviewing the cleanest and greenest companies on the market.

Yes, the title is true. I have discovered the healthiest and most eco-friendly chocolate ever!!! Oh, and it's DELICIOUS too. Really, the best way for you to understand how excited I am about finding this is to watch the following video, but there's a little text below it if you can't/don't want to. Bottom line - this is one of the most exciting vegan products I've found in a long time.

It's hard to find really satisfying, well-priced healthy snacks...well, I suppose it depends on what your definition of healthy is, but for me it means:
  • plant based
  • unprocessed
  • organic
  • gluten-free
  • soy-free
  • low or no SOS (salt, oil, sugar)
Try to think of some snacks off the top of your head, aside from produce and nuts/seeds, and you'll feel a little stumped. My favorite snack lately has been kale chips, but at $5-8 a bag it can add up, especially when I eat them all in one sitting (aka 10-15 minutes). Then there are nuts, which are great except that they too can get pricey and I get sick of them pretty fast. So what's a Eco-Vegan Gal (or Guy) to do? Personally, I go to different natural markets/sections of stores and see if I can find new treats, and luckily I did yesterday.

The first time I had a Sunshine Burger was a few years ago and honestly, I really didn't like it. I wanted to, because they seemed much healthy than most vegan burgers - organic, gluten-free, and soy-free. But I disliked the taste and texture so much I left the box in my freezer for a while, until I pulled it out and gave it another try with the same reaction.

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