Sunday, 17 January 2010 14:56

Turning Shit into Fertilizer

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Let me start by saying, this post is not literally about turning shit into fertilizer, however, it is metaphorically. This post is about turning a bad situation into a good one.

I lost my new purse yesterday. Luckily my phone, wallet, and keys were not inside. But unfortunately my new video camera, lavalier mic, extra battery, favorite sunglasses, To-Go Ware, organic cotton napkin, new Urban Decay lipstick, new dog toys, new chocolate, and new Brita filters were inside (it was a big purse!). I was attached to each item for various reasons (the purse was a holiday gift from my sister), and the loss added up to about $700. It's not worth explaining the process of how I lost it, but the chances of recovering it are very slim. I already really miss my To-Go Ware, which I use almost everyday.
So why write about this? First of all, sharing this experience makes me feel better. I really believe in putting thoughts into the universe; perhaps someone will have some great perspective that will cheer me up. It's frustrating and upsetting to lose something, especially something of value and importance. But, each of those items is replaceable (when I can afford them again), and ultimately all that matters is that I wasn't hurt physically. With the recent events in Haiti, I should feel fortunate that I'm alive and so are my loved ones.
I wonder what this experience is meant to teach me. One could say, "shit happens" and just move on, but what about turning it into fertilizer instead? Several of my friends suggested I take it as a lesson to slow down and pay attention. Perhaps I'm moving to fast and thinking about too much at once. I admit, I was mentally distracted at the time I lost my purse. In fact, I've been distracted for a while because I know my life needs a change. Though I'm very fortunate in many ways, I can't say that I feel fulfilled. I want to live a life that is fulfilling - doesn't everyone? The question is, how do we achieve it?
I'm going to take this shit of an event and turn it into fertilizer. I don't know how, but it's definitely time. No more procrastinating on things that I want. If I don't slow down and pay attention to what's important to me, I'm going to lose even more of it. Luckily for you, part of my change is going to revolve around this blog - I want to devote a lot more time to this.
I would love to hear your perspective, advice, and personal stories with these situations. And I hope that my lesson has inspired you to slow down, step back, focus on what's most important in your own life, and what you're not giving attention to.
Thanks for reading. : )
Read 8000 times Last modified on Sunday, 15 July 2012 05:49