Monday, 24 September 2012 16:00

The Secret to Being Way Better

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The Secret to Being Way Better Image by Nicholas Monu

I do a lot of videos and writing on healthy food and lifestyle choices, but one aspect of wellness I don't explore often enough is the emotional side of it. That's why when I redesigned this website I created a section called "Feel" to focus in on holistic health care, fitness, everyday living tips and inspiration for the mind. I haven't created much content on these topics yet, so I was thrilled when Way Better Snacks asked their ambassadors to do an article around the phrase, "Eat Better. Live Better. Be Better." Clearly I have the first two elements covered, so I want to take an opportunity to delve a bit further into the third.

At first read you may think the phrase is simply saying that eating better + living better = being better. This is absolutely true, but being better can be a goal on it's own. Over the last few months I've been thinking a lot about psychology in terms of what drives people to make decisions and what prevents them for being the best they can be, especially when it comes to health. I'm currently at the conclusion that the secret is: making the mental commitment to just do it. Simply deciding to be better will make you better

"Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve" ~ W. Clement Stone

I'm a big believer in the law of attraction, a concept that was made popular by the book/movie "The Secret". The major message  is that like attracts like, or whatever we think about will (eventually) happen in our lives because of the energy we put out into the world. This is not wishful thinking, it is manifestation. A perfect example is making the effort to feel grateful even when times are tough - having a positive attitude can shift even the worst mood if you are commited to feeling good no matter what.

"You create your own universe as you go along" ~ Winston Churchill

If you feel and act happy all the time people will take notice, including yourself, and many circumstances will begin to shift in positive directions. You'll want to eat healthier foods, get active and laugh more because it makes you happier. You'll want to do nice things for others because it makes everyone happier. People will want to spend more time around you, so you'll have more friends, more job opportunities, more love. And your immune system will improve as well, granting you better health.

All it takes is shifting your emotions - keep yourself in check throughout each day and choose to be happy and grateful for everything. Another helpful tactic is visualization, which can be done via meditation or creating a montage of images that represent what you want to do and how you want to feel. If you want to get in better shape and feel better in your body imagine yourself enjoying a form of exercise and a clean meal, envision yourself in your ideal state, or find photos of people that repsent this and look at them everyday for inspiration - rehearse your future. Don't doubt for a second that you can achieve this, even if it seems impossible trust that it will happen somehow.

"All that we are is a result of what we have thought" ~ Buddha

So what do you think - do you want to give this a try? Have you already started? How is the law of attraction working to help you be better? Way Better Snacks and I want to hear your stories of being better on their Facebook page. I would love to see what you have written so please let me know when you post it, and/or you can copy and paste in the comment section here. 

Looking for more inspiration? Check out these posts from the other Way Better Snacks ambassadors:

Disclosure: I have been selected by Way Better Snacks to participate in their Brand Ambassador blogger program. While I have been compensated for my time, my opinions are my own, and I have not been paid to post positive comments. 

Read 9209 times Last modified on Monday, 01 October 2012 04:26
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