Serving Size: 1 truffle
Yield: 9-10 truffles
Ingredients (buy organic whenever possible):
- coconut flakes: 1 cup
- cacao powder*: 1 tbsp
- coconut oil, melted: 1 tablespoon
- liquid sweetener of choice (I used coconut nectar): 1 tablespoon
- dates, pitted: 4-5
- Green Juice powder**: 1 tbsp
*cocoa powder can be subbed
** Use code "EVG" for 15% off Organifi:
Video recipe in playlist below
- Add coconut flakes and coconut oil to food processor and blend until well combined.
- While food processor is on, add pitted dates through top, followed by coconut nectar, cacao powder and Green Juice powder
- Stop processor and check for consistency. You want the truffles to be sticky enough to roll into a ball shape. Add another date if needed
- When the consistency has been achieved, form the mixture into truffle shapes and place them on a plate
- Optional: dust the truffles with cacao powder
Store remaining truffles in fridge to keep them cool and fresh.
Learn more about Organifi's Green Juice powder in these videos: