Friday, 23 September 2011 21:49

Is Beer Healthy?

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I wasn't a big beer fan until a couple years ago. Don't know what happened, but suddenly I liked it. Especially Fat Tire by New Belgium (totally eco-vegan!). When I went gluten-free I got even more into beer, probably because of the novelty of finding the best GF options. That came to a halt when I started a cleanse back in April and I haven't felt the desire to drink much of it since. However, my boyfriend LOVES beer and drinks it like water, which got me curious about the health effects - what are the pros and cons of it? I explored the topic for my recent Organic Authority article called, "The Lowdown: Is Beer A Healthy Drink?"
Check out the piece then let me know what you think - do you like beer? Do your prefer wine? Or are you alcohol free?
Read 7978 times Last modified on Wednesday, 25 April 2012 05:24