Monday, 02 January 2012 17:38

Cleanse Update & Progress (Videos)

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Just wanted to check in for those of you who don't follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, or YouTube (though I can't imagine you don't follow at least one of those!). My cleanse is off to a great start - on Day 3 and going strong/feeling wonderful! Plus, my boyfriend decided to do it with me, which has been really great (see Cleanse Day 2 video). I haven't had a lot of free time to write so I've been doing mainly video content - check out the following videos when you have a chance. If you're doing a cleanse as well and would like some support I encourage you to join the Google Group (which has 34 members) and stay tuned for live video hangouts on Google Plus and occasional UStream live Q&As. I love hearing from you so would love an update on your cleanse in this comment section or any of the above sites. 

Cleanse Day 1 Summary & Tips

Cleanse Day 2 Summary & Tips

Read 7866 times Last modified on Saturday, 12 May 2012 06:36