Wednesday, 28 December 2011 10:21

The Cleanse: How to Begin Your Healthy Diet (Video)

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So, you've decided to do a cleanse huh? Well, congratulations! It's especially exciting if you plan to do it at the same time as me and the other EVG community members. Whatever type of cleanse you choose, it's important to mentally prepare for it. I like the advice in Kris Carr's Crazy Sexy Diet book - she recommends that you give yourself a week to transition and start cutting out the junk and adding in the wholesome, and this means both dietarily (is that a word?) and emotionally.
Check out this video for some tips from the book:

Even if this advice is completely foreign to you, do not be put off - you can do it! Cleansing is a great way to introduce yourself to a healthier lifestyle, especially if you do it slowly and remain patient and loving towards yourself, even if you go off course a bit.
I look forward to taking this journey with you in January. Be sure to check out the Google Group and join me on Google Plus so you can literally hangout with me and other cleansers!
Read 9298 times Last modified on Saturday, 12 May 2012 06:39