Monday, 26 December 2011 23:39
Diet for a New Year (Video): Cleanse With Me!
I don't really like the word diet because most people associate it with unhappily restricting food in order to lose weight. However, when I do use it, I'm referring to a way of eating, such as the vegan diet. With that said, I do think most people could use a little tweaking to their diet, whether it means taking out junk food and/or adding in more nutritious foods, and the new year is a great excuse to do it. Or, perhaps you're just looking for an opportunity to challenge yourself or make a change - maybe go vegan, vegetarian, raw, become more eco-friendly, get off sugar or caffeine - so why not start off 2012 on a good foot and devote yourself to a month (or so) of habit building?
Cleanses, detoxes, diets, whatever you want to call them, work best when you have support, but not everyone has a friend who is willing to do it with them. So I thought it'd be great to build a virtual support team through the EVG community! Join me and the group of people as we dedicate ourselves to a healthy January. You can do whatever cleanse you'd like, or follow along with my choice: Crazy Sexy Diet. If you've never done it before and don't know where to start, here's a list of other healthy cleansing options that I recommend. If you have a cleanse you love, leave your suggestions in the comment section below.
I'm looking for suggestions for offering online support, such as weekly live video check-ins and daily video posts. I'd also love to see video journals from you if you're able to make them too. If you have some specific ways you'd feel most supported please comment below and I'll absolutely do my best to make it happen. My aim is to get a bunch of people involved that can support each other - you may even make some new virtual friends!
Looking forward to reading your thoughts and cleansing together in January!
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